These two numbers tell the story: 152 and 20,657.


152 mph was the top speed clocked among drivers going well over 100 mph in July as Minnesota law enforcement cracked down on the epidemic of excess speed in state. To put that into perspective, 152 mph is more than twice the highest legal speed limit on our state’s roads.


And 20,657 is the number of drivers cited for speed violations by 291 law enforcement agencies across the state.


Let’s take the numbers game one step further through this interesting mathematical calculation via video of what actually happens when a vehicle going 70 mph, a typical highway speed limit in Minnesota, has to brake versus one going 100 more mph. Spoiler: It’s not pretty.


Yes, the numbers do tell the story of the high numbers, risks and dire consequences in the form of crashes, deaths and injuries. But what they don’t seem to do is change behaviors.


So with the evidence at hand – excessive speed is rampant and the results are deadly —

What, or who, can motivate drivers to change their behaviors? Research shows it might be someone they know and love, someone who can say, “Do it for ME. Slow down. Pay attention.”


Earlier this month the Minnesota Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (MN NETS) campaign, in partnership with State Farm, launched our multi-media “Do It for ME” campaign featuring PSAs, social media and videos, along with an educational toolkit for employers, insurance agents, educators and the pediatric health community. The campaign will also promote the “Do It for ME” story through a presence on Ron Schara Productions’ popular Minnesota Bound program, website and social media. We’re making a special effort to get these messages in front of both urban and rural audiences. And we were at the Minnesota State Fair!


Please get these materials in front of your employees, their families and others. If we all start listening to those who care about us and our driving, we can make a difference and see those excessive speeds and resulting crash statistics go down.


Yours in traffic safety,
