As October rolls in, we’re awash in sensory experiences. The beauty of changing leaves. The familiar aroma of a bonfire. The sound of a piece of favorite candy plunking into a trick or treat bag. The taste – for those who enjoy it – of pumpkin spice everything.


Those moments, and the fun of Halloween celebrations, make autumn a special time. But shorter days and unpredictable weather can also make it a dangerous and scary time for drivers and pedestrians of all ages.


This month, we’ve got a goody bag full of treats like this Take the Scary Out of Fall Driving fact sheet to help you get traffic safety education into the hands of drivers, pedestrians and others. The October calendar is also full of events – starting with Pedestrian Safety Month from Oct. 1-31 – designed to get the word out. You’ll find numerous resources and promotional tools at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Traffic Safety Marketing site. We also have a freshly updated pedestrian safety flier and other resources at


Younger drivers and passengers, especially at risk during autumn, are also the focus this month during Teen Driver Safety Week (Oct. 20-26) and National School Bus Safety Week (Oct. 21-25). And keep in mind that Halloween is no longer just for kids; it’s a big night for adult drivers and partiers, leading to increased impaired driving. Two Oct. 25-31 campaigns will tackle both alcohol- and drug-impaired driving.


Want to turn the “trick” of October weather into a traffic safety treat this month? Make it your priority to get these important materials in front of you employees, family members and others.


Yours in Traffic Safety

