Protect your workers and your bottom line by educating your employees about the dangers and consequences of speeding on our roadways. Far too often, motorists ignore speed limits, and as a result, put lives at risk.
Motorists need to understand that speeding is not an innocent activity. When you speed, you have greater potential to lose control of your vehicle; it takes longer to stop; you have less time available to avoid a crash — and the faster you drive, the harder you crash, meaning more severe injuries. Crashes affect everyone on the roadway, not just the speeder. Use the strategies and materials listed below in conjunction with statewide speeding campaigns, local community efforts, or at any time throughout the year.
Fact Sheets/Talking Points
Traffic Safety Facts, October 2021 (NHTSA)
Driving Defensively
County-specific speed fact sheets (scroll down to "Speeding Facts")
Reports and Statistics (MN DPS)
Impact of Speeds on Drivers and Vehicles - Results from Crash Tests (AAA Study)
National Safety Council Injury Facts - Speeding
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